Returns & Exchanges

Returns & Exchanges

If your item did not arrive in the post we are very sorry, please notify us and we will have a replacement sent out immediately.

If you have received the incorrect size we are sorry and we will offer a one time free size replacement from 1 size smaller or bigger than the original size on the order.  On large orders we do not offer size replacements on more than 2 shirts in the order.  

We do not offer size exchanges on baby onesies and all over print orders.

If you have an received the wrong product, wrong size, bad graphic please just send us a picture of what you have received for quality control purposes and we can offer a refund or replacement

If you do not like the product I am sorry but we do not offer replacements or refunds since we do print on demand for custom products.

Customers have 30 days from the date of receiving items to return or exchange goods.

Steps to follow to have your order replaces and resolved:

  1. Please email us at with the below.
  2. Please provide your full name and email.
  3. Please provide your order number
  4. Please provide picture of wrong / damaged item.
  5. Please provide the changes necessary to correct/make replacement order, ie: color, size, style, etc.

Once we receive this we will print a replacement product and send it right out!

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